
The MDFT Research Program Includes Over Three Decades of Published Papers on Outcomes, Treatment Retention, Implementation & Fidelity, Developmental Research, and Many Other Topics

An overview of MDFT scientific studies and their associated publications can be found here.

Treatment Outcomes Studies

MDFT's efficacy has been demonstrated in several randomized clinical trials - the gold standard for behavioral health research - and other experimental studies. Studies are arranged by treatment outcome.

Implementation Outcome Studies

Studies examining the success and cost of MDFT implementation in various treatment settings and geographical locales, as well as therapeutic engagement and retention with MDFT youth and families.

Intervention Summaries & Guides

Developmental studies, model overviews, and special clinical topics such as HIV-STD risk reduction, culturally specific engagement, trauma, relapse, and many others.

International Research

Non-English publications and results from the International Cannabis Need for Treatment (INCANT) study, which examined MDFT efficacy and implementation across five European countries. Study Populations & Settings of MDFT Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs)