MDFT International is hiring!
MDFT International Inc. is hiring for an Executive Director. Review the job description for more information.

Learn about MDFT!
Join us for an in-depth exploration of Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) with California Training Institute (CalTrin) and Doris Perdomo-Johnson, Assistant Training Director at MDFT International, Inc. Attendees will gain insights into MDFT’s unique four-domain framework and its applications.
DATE: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
TIME: 9:00am - 11:00am (PST); 11:00am - 1:00pm (CST); 12:00pm - 2:00pm (EST)
Register today to reserve your space: https://www.caltrin.org/trainings/multidimensional-family-therapy/

MDFT is now available in Maine!
The Maine Department of Health and Human Services included MDFT in their strategic plan for Children's Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) in 2023.

MDFT for Opioid Use and OUD fact sheet
Check our most recent fact sheet on MDFT for Opioid Use and OUD. Results from the Connecticut Demonstration Project are included.

Check out our November 2023 Newsletter!
Our November 2023 Newsletter includes an article on the effectiveness of MDFT with Transitional Age Youth, a 10 year anniversary from a team in Finland, an interview with an MDFT supervisor from CMHA in Connecticut, and a surprise visit from an MDFT client 17 years later to a California therapist/supervisor.

Boosting Implementation of Maine’s Children Behavioral Health Plan
The Maine DHHS published initiatives to support in their strategic plan for Children's Behavioral Health, including MDFT.
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5 Lessons for Parents of Teens Misusing Substances
Having an adolescent or young adult child who misuses drugs or alcohol can be a nightmare for parents. Dr. Gayle Dakof, Executive Director of MDFT International, shares 5 Lessons for Parents of Teens Misusing Substances.
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New MDFT Research Project
Connecticut DCF has partnered with MDFT International and Chestnut Health Systems to conduct a randomized clinical trial with over 200 families to test the effectiveness of a new therapeutic approach, Multidimensional Family Therapy & Recovery (MDFTR) to achieve the long-term goal of preventing or reducing child maltreatment and out-of-home placement.

Check out our April 2023 Newsletter!
Our April 2023 Newsletter includes a summary of our 2022 Year in Review, SAMHSA featuring MDFT in one of their TIP series on substance use; information on a new research study; reflections from a new MDFT program in rural Idaho; and a therapist experience implementing MDFT in Estonia.
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New MDFT Research Article Published!
This study examined the short-term and longer-term sustainment of 137 programs in Europe and North America implementing Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT). Results show that 90% of MDFT programs were sustained for at least 2 years, 87% of the programs sustained for at least 5 years, and 70% for at least 8 years.

MDFT is looking for a National Trainer!
MDFT International is looking for a MDFT/MDFR National Trainer. Master's degree and past/current MDFT therapist certification required. See job description for all the details. Feel free to share with others.

Resources for youth on mental health and substance use
The SAMHSA’s National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare compiled and released a document with resources available to adolescents with mental health and substance use concerns and adolescents at-risk for suicide.